Oh you wanna know about me?

Well here it goes!
Hey, I'm Rochi! [Roh-chee] [Not like ROW-chee like the RO from Rock- But Rochi- yeah you get it-]
The webmaster of this absolute mess of a site. I'm a 23 year old cockroach. (My birthday is on March 16th) My native language is Latin American Spanish and my English is entirely self-taught for the past 10 years now.
I like to draw, mainly digitally and also a big fan of a few animes (what a surprise) including One Piece, Soul Eater, Jojo's, amongst a few more.
I got into website coding back in 2022 and I've been on and off of it since then.
This is actually the 4th iteration of my attempt at making a website, I've gone through quite a few designs previously. I guess it's just taking me a bit of time to find out what really is my "style" when it comes to making a website, alongside the fact that each time I learn more and more about coding with HTML/CSS (Currently trying to learn JS help me) Hopefully this one sticks!
If you're curious about my previous site designs and how things have evolved, let me know! I'll make a small timeline in my blog for anyone that's curious- If I do that you'll see a link below to read about it.
Just poke around, I promise it won't bite.
Button Board


Link me with my button! Just save the image and copy the link below!


My Neocities Profile!